Course curriculum
Tutorial 1. Getting Acquainted with the Model
Tutorial 2. Calculating Pattern Adjustments
Tutorial 3. Calculating Pattern Adjustments (Continued)
Tutorial 4. Drawing the Adjusted Pattern on Iron-On Batiste
Tutorial 5. Cutting the Base of the Dress
Tutorial 6. Cutting the Lace Parts of the Dress
Tutorial 7. Duplicating the Pieces with Iron-On Fabric
Tutorial 8. Marking the Placement of Bones on the Dress
Tutorial 9. Sewing Down the Princess Seams of the Lining of the Front
Tutorial 10. Shaping the Cups on the Lining
Tutorial 11. Pressing the Cups
Tutorial 12. Padding the Cups. Flattening the Stomach
Tutorial 13. Working on the Lining
Tutorial 14. Assembling the Lacing Bars
Tutorial 15. Sewing in the Lacing Bars
Tutorial 16. Pressing the Joined Parts of the Face
Tutorial 17. Joining the Lace with the Base of the Dress
Tutorial 18. Joining the Face of the Back of the Dress with the Lining
Tutorial 19. Joining the Face of the Front with the Lining
Tutorial 20. Sewing Down the Side Seams
Tutorial 21. Pinning the Lace Pieces onto the Base of the Dress and Securing Them in Place
Tutorial 22. Sewing Sleeves into the Lace Top Part of the Dress
Tutorial 23. Sewing Down the Side Seams. Pressing the Garment
Tutorial 24. Finishing the Hemline
Tutorial 25. Protecting the Zipper from Breaking
Tutorial 26. Thorough Pressing. Preparing to Decorate the Garment
Tutorial 27. Decorating the Garment with Lace Pieces
Tutorial 28. Applying Final Touches to the Dress
Sewing Patterns

About this course
- $149.00
- 29 lessons
- 5 hours of video content